SQL> desc v$session_longops 名称 是否为空? 类型 注释 ----------------------------------------- -------- ------------------ ------------------ SID NUMBER 和V$SESSION中的SID一样 SERIAL# NUMBER 和V$SESSION中的SERIAL#一样 OPNAME VARCHAR2(64) 操作的名称,如全表扫描 TARGET VARCHAR2(64) 被操作的对象名,如表名 TARGET_DESC VARCHAR2(32) TARGET的描述 SOFAR NUMBER 以完成的数量,如扫描多少数据块 TOTALWORK NUMBER 一共需要完成的数量 UNITS VARCHAR2(32) 计量单位 START_TIME DATE 开始时间 LAST_UPDATE_TIME DATE 最后一次调用set_session_longops的时间 TIMESTAMP DATE 特定操作的时间戳 TIME_REMAINING NUMBER 预计剩余时间,单位秒 ELAPSED_SECONDS NUMBER 开始操作到最后更新的时间 CONTEXT NUMBER MESSAGE VARCHAR2(512) 对操作的描述 USERNAME VARCHAR2(30) 操作用户的名字 SQL_ADDRESS RAW(4) 用于关联V$SQL等视图 SQL_HASH_VALUE NUMBER 用于关联V$SQL等视图 SQL_ID VARCHAR2(13) 用于关联V$SQL等视图 SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE NUMBER 用于关联V$SQL等视图 SQL_EXEC_START DATE SQL开始运行的时间 SQL_EXEC_ID NUMBER SQL执行的标识符 SQL_PLAN_LINE_ID NUMBER SQL执行计划相关 SQL_PLAN_OPERATION VARCHAR2(30) SQL执行计划相关 SQL_PLAN_OPTIONS VARCHAR2(30) SQL执行计划相关 QCSID NUMBER 并行查询
SQL> create table longops_test as select * from dba_objects; 表已创建。 SQL> insert into longops_test select * from longops_test; 已创建65525行。 SQL> / 已创建131050行。 SQL> / 已创建262100行。 SQL> / 已创建524200行。 SQL> / 已创建1048400行。 SQL> commit; 提交完成。
SID SERIAL# OPNAME TARGET SOFAR TOTALWORK UNITS MESSAGE SQL_PLAN_OPERATION SQL_PLAN_OPTIONS --- ------- --------- ---------------- ----- -------- ----- --------------- ------------------- --------------- 194 12 Table Scan SYS.LONGOPS_TEST 14895 14895 Blocks Table Scan: TABLE ACCESS FULL SYS.LONGOPS_TEST: 14895 out of 14895 Blocks done
SQL> create table longops_ctas as select * from longops_test;
SID SERIAL# OPNAME TARGET SOFAR TOTALWORK UNITS MESSAGE SQL_PLAN_OPERATION SQL_PLAN_OPTIONS --- ------- --------- ---------------- ----- -------- ----- --------------- ------------------- --------------- 194 12 Table Scan SYS.LONGOPS_TEST 14895 14895 Blocks Table Scan: TABLE ACCESS FULL SYS.LONGOPS_TEST: 14895 out of 14895 Blocks done 194 12 Table Scan SYS.LONGOPS_TEST 13275 29785 Blocks Table Scan: TABLE ACCESS FULL SYS.LONGOPS_TEST: 13275 out of 29785 Blocks done
OPNAME SOFAR TOTALWORK MESSAGE --------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------- Gather Table Partition Statistics 1 1 Gather Table Partition Statistics: Table WR H$_OSSTAT : 1 out of 1 Partitions done RMAN: aggregate input 1181953 1181953 RMAN: aggregate input: backup 33: 1181953 out of 1181953 Blocks done RMAN: aggregate input 1181953 1181953 RMAN: aggregate input: backup 33: 1181953 out of 1181953 Blocks done RMAN: aggregate output 359461 359461 RMAN: aggregate output: backup 33: 359461 out of 359461 Blocks done RMAN: full datafile backup 1181280 1181280 RMAN: full datafile backup: Set Count 18: 1181280 out of 1181280 Blocks done
V$SESSION_LONGOPS displays the status of various operations that run for longer than 6 seconds (in absolute time). These operations currently include many backup and recovery functions, statistics gathering, and query execution, and more operations are added for every Oracle release. To monitor query execution progress, you must be using the cost-based optimizer and you must: •Set the TIMED_STATISTICS or SQL_TRACE parameters to true •Gather statistics for your objects with the DBMS_STATS package You can add information to this view about application-specific long-running operations by using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_SESSION_LONGOPS procedure. Column Datatype Description ------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SID NUMBER Identifier of the session processing the long-running operation. If multiple sessi ons are cooperating in the long-running operation, then SID corresponds to the mai n or master session. SERIAL# NUMBER Serial number of the session processing the long-running operation. If multiple se ssions are cooperating in the long-running operation, then SERIAL# corresponds to the main or master session. SERIAL# is used to uniquely identify a session's objec ts. Guarantees that session-level commands are applied to the correct session obje cts if the session ends and another session begins with the same session ID. OPNAME VARCHAR2(64) Brief description of the operation TARGET VARCHAR2(64) Object on which the operation is carried out TARGET_DESC VARCHAR2(32) Description of the target SOFAR NUMBER Units of work done so far TOTALWORK NUMBER Total units of work UNITS VARCHAR2(32) Units of measurement START_TIME DATE Starting time of the operation LAST_UPDATE_TIME DATE Time when statistics were last updated for the operation TIMESTAMP DATE Timestamp specific to the operation TIME_REMAINING NUMBER Estimate (in seconds) of time remaining for the operation to complete ELAPSED_SECONDS NUMBER Number of elapsed seconds from the start of the operations CONTEXT NUMBER Context MESSAGE VARCHAR2(512) Statistics summary message USERNAME VARCHAR2(30) User ID of the user performing the operation SQL_ADDRESS RAW(4 | 8) Used with the value of the SQL_HASH_VALUE column to identify the SQL statement as sociated with the operation SQL_HASH_VALUE NUMBER Used with the value of the SQL_ADDRESS column to identify the SQL statement assoc iated with the operation SQL_ID VARCHAR2(13) SQL identifier of the SQL statement associated with the long operation, if any SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE NUMBER SQL plan hash value; NULL if SQL_ID is NULL SQL_EXEC_START DATE Time when the execution of the SQL started; NULL if SQL_ID is NULL SQL_EXEC_ID NUMBER SQL execution identifier (see V$SQL_MONITOR) SQL_PLAN_LINE_ID NUMBER SQL plan line ID corresponding to the long operation; NULL if the long operation is not associated with a line of the execution plan SQL_PLAN_OPERATION VARCHAR2(30) Plan operation name; NULL if SQL_PLAN_LINE_ID is NULL SQL_PLAN_OPTIONS VARCHAR2(30) Plan operation options; NULL if SQL_PLAN_LINE_ID is NULL QCSID NUMBER Session identifier of the parallel coordinator
本文固定链接: https://www.dbdream.com.cn/2013/10/vsession_longops%e8%a7%86%e5%9b%be/ | 信春哥,系统稳,闭眼上线不回滚!