ORA-00054 ORA-00031错误
在搞做测试的时候,用INSERT INTO SELECT的方式向数据库插入44G(近1亿条记录)的数据时,忘了用并行,CTRL+C不能及时中断,于是在操作系统上KILL了这个进程。
[oracle@dm0101 ~]$ ps -ef | grep sqlplus oracle 1461 858 0 15:01 pts/0 00:00:00 rlwrap sqlplus xxx/xxx oracle 1462 1461 0 15:01 pts/2 00:00:00 sqlplus oracle 23015 14947 0 15:17 pts/5 00:00:00 grep sqlplus [oracle@dm0101 ~]$ kill -9 1461
SQL> truncate table ENMO_ASICDA; truncate table ENMO_ASICDA * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired
SQL> select sid,serial#,status,EVENT,WAIT_CLASS#,WAIT_CLASS,WAIT_CLASS_ID from v$session where username='HONGYEDBA'; SID SERIAL# STATUS EVENT WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS WAIT_CLASS_ID ---------- ---------- -------- ------------------------------ ----------- ---------- ------------- 1165 21759 ACTIVE SQL*Net message to client 7 Network 2000153315 1822 36017 ACTIVE cell single block physical read 8 User I/O 1740759767 SQL> select sid from v$mystat where rownum<2; SID ---------- 1165
SQL> alter system kill session '1822,36017'; alter system kill session '1822,36017' * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00031: session marked for kill
[oracle@dm0101 ~]$ oerr ora 00031 00031, 00000, "session marked for kill" // *Cause: The session specified in an ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command // cannot be killed immediately (because it is rolling back or blocked // on a network operation), but it has been marked for kill. This // means it will be killed as soon as possible after its current // uninterruptable operation is done. // *Action: No action is required for the session to be killed, but further // executions of the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command on this session // may cause the session to be killed sooner.
SQL> select sid,serial#,status,EVENT,WAIT_CLASS#,WAIT_CLASS,WAIT_CLASS_ID from v$session where username='HONGYEDBA'; SID SERIAL# STATUS EVENT WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS WAIT_CLASS_ID ---------- ---------- -------- ------------------------------ ----------- ---------- ------------- 1165 21759 ACTIVE SQL*Net message to client 7 Network 2000153315 1822 36017 KILLED cell single block physical read 8 User I/O 1740759767
SQL> truncate table ENMO_ASICDA; truncate table ENMO_ASICDA * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired
SQL> select sid,serial#,status,EVENT,WAIT_CLASS#,WAIT_CLASS,WAIT_CLASS_ID from v$session where username='HONGYEDBA'; SID SERIAL# STATUS EVENT WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS WAIT_CLASS_ID ---------- ---------- -------- ------------------------------ ----------- ---------- ------------- 1165 21759 ACTIVE SQL*Net message to client 7 Network 2000153315 SQL> truncate table ENMO_ASICDA; Table truncated.
本文固定链接: https://www.dbdream.com.cn/2013/11/ora-00054-ora-00031%e9%94%99%e8%af%af/ | 信春哥,系统稳,闭眼上线不回滚!